Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Digital Publication Day!

Today, we do digital publishing presentation. My group is a course combine between Design, Innovation and Brand Management and Graphic Design, we come up with a concept of "Burn Hard". I can't wait to work on an up-coming showcase on Friday, it is going to be fun.

(our group publication)

I also like other group presentation, we have different styles, Chatte and Kiva (Fashion) group are so chic and Ink's page is so lovely (craft).

(Chatte presentation)

(Ink's group publication)

The PSEAD course is nearly over! I couldn't imagined a feeling on my last day.
I think I am going to miss this town and miss my friends absolutely.

Thursday, 13 August 2015

MAKER MOVEMENT: Making is fun

I said creativity is something we all have in the last posted, so I think everyone surely can be a maker too. Now our world is smaller than ever by internet and smartphone which load of information for learning, I believe if you want to make things from the beginning it will be much easier than the past. I love an open source idea of maker movement because I believe in sharing knowledge.

I like to do art and craft sometimes, I made flower handmade brooch from salted dough, cold-process soap from natural ingredients. I think all I have made were special for me, each of them are unique that I couldn't buy from anywhere.

The maker for me doesn't have to make a perfect product, have a big machine or own a big studio. No matter how old you are, just start with anything in front of you with full of imagination, passion and fun then you will become the maker.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015


I couldn't agree more with Chase Javis that creativity is not just arts. Creativity is something we all have no matter what your title are; an artist, an engineer or a carpenter but somehow we seem to lose it when we grown up by our controlling education. He also mentioned that education should be free, I think this was a great idea that people should get an opportunity to learn whatever they want to.

In my country, many parents usually guide and highly expect in their children education. There is no time for them to learn and discover what exactly they want to be by themselves, so after they went through the whole process of education system then their imagination run dry.

I quite not sure that imagination is much more important than knowledge or not. I believe that may be two of these things should go together for a better grown up version of yourself. However, in any cases we should not let our imagination go away.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015


My first group project "THE MELTING POT" was such a challenging work for every 5-week pre-sessional students, so I was really trying to put myself together and catching up of what I have to be done for the best result. And this is my inside perspectives and photos memory of this project.

We mostly worked as a group in a library because we have to do some research and also sharing some ideas in making a film.

(First week gathered ideas)

On the first shooting day, I was so impressed of Japanese food. It was the first time for me to have "Temaki Sushi" exclusively cook by Japanese fresh from a kitchen. 

(Oteki teached me how to make Temaki Sushi)

On the second shooting day, what impressed me the most is that my Chinese friend "Angela" who lives in the same house with me showed us how to make homemade Chinese noodles. It was so special.

(Homemade Chinese noodles)

After shooting, I am responsible in after production. I was working in editing and copywriting while Pong worked in a presentation in our kitchen. We were so exhausted because we slept after 2 am three days a row but after got a good feedback we were so relieved and felt this is worth hard working.

(Pong was working on presentation)

Personally, I like cooking and baking so I really love this kind of project experience very much. After this project I think I will absolutely try cooking Japanese and Chinese dishes next time.

Monday, 10 August 2015

Project 3/1: THE MELTING POT

When project under theme "Art & Activism" launched on my first week at UCAPSEAD, I have never wondered before that it is going to take me a long journey; two weeks passed like pushing fast forward. I have to say I was enjoyed working with friends in my group, I think we are quite a good combination of culture differences. Although, it was hard when started but later I think the way we worked together and discussed were so respectful and compromise.

(first draft idea)

At the beginning, we decided to let everybody came up with individual idea that we wanted to do then we voted on an idea that we believe it can go further and we can make it under short-time condition. Then idea of multicultural issue in UCAPSEAD called  "Open Kitchen" which later changed title to "THE MELTING POT" was started, in concept of using food to mix our cultures together.

Actually, my work role as pitch coordinator is not all of what I actually did as well as other friends in the group so I think that sometimes job title is not that matter if people in group are willing to help each other and know what they suppose to do. So besides my job title I was responsible in shooting, film editing, copywriting in the video and writing a concept part of proposal. For me, it felt so good that I can making a serious project under relaxing and fun atmosphere. I was hopefully from this project started and during editing this film that our friends who participated with our project, and others who watch this film will have a good time like me.

Many Thanks to:
All friends both in the video and who helps our project to be succeed =)
Oteki, Yuka, Midori, Anna, Angela and Kiva
We love you guys!