Wednesday, 12 August 2015


I couldn't agree more with Chase Javis that creativity is not just arts. Creativity is something we all have no matter what your title are; an artist, an engineer or a carpenter but somehow we seem to lose it when we grown up by our controlling education. He also mentioned that education should be free, I think this was a great idea that people should get an opportunity to learn whatever they want to.

In my country, many parents usually guide and highly expect in their children education. There is no time for them to learn and discover what exactly they want to be by themselves, so after they went through the whole process of education system then their imagination run dry.

I quite not sure that imagination is much more important than knowledge or not. I believe that may be two of these things should go together for a better grown up version of yourself. However, in any cases we should not let our imagination go away.

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