Tuesday, 11 August 2015


My first group project "THE MELTING POT" was such a challenging work for every 5-week pre-sessional students, so I was really trying to put myself together and catching up of what I have to be done for the best result. And this is my inside perspectives and photos memory of this project.

We mostly worked as a group in a library because we have to do some research and also sharing some ideas in making a film.

(First week gathered ideas)

On the first shooting day, I was so impressed of Japanese food. It was the first time for me to have "Temaki Sushi" exclusively cook by Japanese fresh from a kitchen. 

(Oteki teached me how to make Temaki Sushi)

On the second shooting day, what impressed me the most is that my Chinese friend "Angela" who lives in the same house with me showed us how to make homemade Chinese noodles. It was so special.

(Homemade Chinese noodles)

After shooting, I am responsible in after production. I was working in editing and copywriting while Pong worked in a presentation in our kitchen. We were so exhausted because we slept after 2 am three days a row but after got a good feedback we were so relieved and felt this is worth hard working.

(Pong was working on presentation)

Personally, I like cooking and baking so I really love this kind of project experience very much. After this project I think I will absolutely try cooking Japanese and Chinese dishes next time.

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